Saturday 2 May 2015

A fun and busy week with lots of learning...

Exploring clay:
We explored air drying clay this week. The children used letter stamps to stamp out the letters of their names, and couldn’t wait to share their works of art with parents. Some took them home to show wider families what they have achieved.Links to the EYFS - EYFS
Expressive arts- •Selects tools and techniques needed to shape, assemble and join materials they are using.
Assessing risks: S. a. f .e. t. y.

I shared the 'risk assessment' idea with the children. We spoke about how we can keep safe. A while back the children and I decided on 4 items to put on our list that we check for. We do regular 'safety checks'. The children continued the talk about 'safety' in the garden when we went out. One of them came to me and handed me a sharp stick, saying, 'this is not safe'. I am so pleased our children are beginning to understand about safety!

•Links to the EYFS - EYFS
Shows understanding of the need for safety when tackling new challenges, and considers and manages some risks.
Paints and corn flour

On another day we got messy with mixing paints. Many children squealed with joy at the sensation of squishing paint through their fingers, and ‘squelching’ it around the paper plates and other surfaces.  We added lots of colours as well corn flour to add texture and make it a colourful and fun sensory activity.

Patterns : geometric s, abstracts, symmetry and repetition-

On Friday afternoon, I had a small group of children all to myself. We experimented with patterns in our environment by rubbing wax crayons over a sheet of paper onto common items such as baskets, radiator  covers, ridges and scales along the large dinosaurs, the wooden floor, the glass windows, and rough carpet areas. Many patterns emerged as the children ran around exploring and sharing  with each other what they had done. Another fun activity spanning over many areas of learning and development.

Links to the EYFS - EYFS
Mathematics- Shape and measure-  Shows interest in shapes in the environment
Draw the curtains, lets enter a world of story- telling..

At the end of the day, I promised the children that I would ‘tell scary stories’. We settled down, drew the curtains, and turned the lights off. The children got excited as I entered the room with a  glittery black scarf covering my head and shoulders and cackled like a witch!. My voice transformed, I began to tell the story as we huddled together on the carpet to enjoy : ‘Hansel and Gretel’, (with a twist on it).

Moments like these are for me truly fulfilling.

Links to the EYFS EYFS
Listening and attention- Recall skills

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