Thursday 23 July 2015

Good bye to old friends and hello to new ones.

We say good bye to old friends and hello to new ones.

Saying good bye to lots of little learners as they go to school.

'Make new friends, but keep the old,
one is silver and the other's gold.
A circle is round, it has no end,
That's how long I want to be your friend.'

This song we have have been singing for two years and now it has some meaning, at least to those who can feel the emotion that transition and change brings with it.......

Pic of some of the beautiful flowers, cards and gifts I have received...

This week is full of emotions both sad and happy as I say good bye to many of the young children that have become friends over the past two years. I have been showing them photographs of their new schools and reception classes and teachers and trying to prepare them for what is coming next- and explain that although they feel  'big', they will be the youngest in their school (s).Many of them have siblings already at school so they are familiar with routines and home work but for most it will come as a 'new way of life' for many years. 
Over the summer- June/July 2015

Children working collaboratively and learning to share-

K, F and O were playing with the play dough. They measured out the play dough into 4 parts, and O said,' that is one of every one'. K said,'yes, we have four friends with 4 play dough's. F added that he needs more as he  has 'too little and not as much as O'. The children worked together and shared and took turns, using appropriate and kind language. Life skills that will hopefully get them through many years of school and beyond. 

Links to the EYFS - EYFS
PSED- making relationships 30-50 months
•Can play in a group, extending and elaborating play ideas, e.g. building up a role-play activity with other children. 
• Initiates play, offering cues to peers to join them. 
•Keeps play going by responding to what others are saying or doing

It was lovely to see T sitting next to F as they listened and participated in singing, dancing and games with the music teacher. They especially liked the parachute game and pretending to 'be sharks and swimming from the pirates.' We enjoy the music session as it gets changed by swapping familiar songs with new words to give them a twist and make them humorous and make them fun and exciting. 

Links to the EYFS - EYFS

Expressive Arts and Design: Being imaginative- 40-60 months
•Begins to build a repertoire of songs and dances. 
•Explores the different sounds of instruments. 

About me...... self portraits...

Following on from our 'about me' books from last week, we spoke about the importance of ''being me' today. The children came up with the fact that they are important because they are big boys and girls and will be starting school in September. They acknowledged that this is a big mile stone in their development and we celebrated this event by painting a self portrait this morning. We looked at our faces in the mirror and copied what we saw. Our 'gallery of fame' can be viewed on the back wall of the kindergarten room. Parents were invited to come and view our masterpieces and many of them did!

3 Billy goats gruff ..story comes to life with role play and props..

I changed our home corner to include our usual 'home corner' cooking, baking and dressing up resources but added a wooden bridge, the big troll and three goats. The children enjoyed acting out a play in free flow play in which the goats had lunch, and then when they went over the bridge, they had to confront the 'grumpy troll'. I read the story to the children during two group times during the day and each time, the children enacted with the props to make the story come alive. They used their own words and changed their voices. We have some very excitable up-coming actors in class and many of them will be going for auditions to appear in Hollywood this summer!! We have so much fun with our friends.


'About me' books- young writers...

Recently each child made a little book entitled ‘About me..’

The children are learning to read and write basic words and make their first steps towards learning to write and hold a writing tool, such as felt tip or pencil. They are demonstrating an understanding of directionality of print as well as an understanding that print represents spoken words and carries a message.
The children are showing an understanding of how writing and drawing help us communicate.

This activity will help children to recognise and write their first name.  This is a very important first Step for children.  It is an opportunity for children to know that their name is special; it promotes a healthy self esteem and independence.  

The children are excited about taking their little book home to show families. Some want to take it to school when they visit to show their teacher how they can write and draw.  

Links to the EYFS - EYFS

Literacy -Writing
•Uses some clearly identifiable letters to communicate meaning, representing some sounds correctly and in sequence. 
•Writes own name and other things such as labels,captions.
 •Attempts to write short sentences in meaningful contexts.
