Monday 16 January 2017

2017- A new year begins....

We have all come back for the beginning of Spring term, refreshed and keen to explore and learn.

We have been listening to the children and recording our observations. There seems to be an interest in dinosaurs with children being fascinated at their size, and exploring a big word- 'Extinction' and what it means. 

There is an interest in bones and fossils. We have been reading books and investigating how the dinosaurs arrived here and where they have gone. I have arranged a visit from our early years contact at the Booth museum near our setting. He will bring some artifacts of interest including a large whale bone, a snack (boa constrictor) skin and a large egg.
The relation between Large extinct animals (dinosaurs) and snake skeletons, scaly skins and large eggs will be made for the children to raise interest and inquiry about the information they know about.


On another day-

Music and dance
Children enjoyed the fun of playing tambourines at different tempos, different volumes and in different ways with during our music session. We sang familiar songs such as 'a sailor came to sea, sea sea,  'Wheels on the bus and heads shoulders, knees and toes....' using shakers , claves and drums.

We danced around listening to world music with lots of percussion and fast beats and the children were able to move in different ways to express themselves.