Saturday 30 May 2015

Another week of learning- Hungry Caterpillar story sack, baking and musical instruments.

In group time today, we listened intently to a very exciting version of The very hungry Caterpillar story with story sack props.  The reader read the story, with lots of enthusiasm and energy, changing their voice and using props like the caterpillar, plum, pear, orange, apple, lollipop, and a cocoon to make the story came alive.
 This led to a conversation about changes in nature and the time things take to change. 
Stories are often a great way to open the minds of young children and take them on a journey of discovery. 


Ways of being healthy- making our own sugar free biscuits and adding fruit.

On another day, we did some baking. Mixing butter, flour, and vanilla essence. We couldn't wait to bake our biscuits and eat them for tea, adding the fresh raspberries that a parent had  brought in to sweeten them naturally.


We went on a pirate ship with musical instruments!

We loved our song session today. We were Pirates on a sailing ship!
We did activities such as popping corn with the parachute, played with rhythm sticks to the beat of the guitar, and counting songs, looking for "snakes in the bag", using shakers, and pretending to be swaying from side to side in the pirate ship. We got 'wibbly, wobbly' as the sea got rough with the storm coming. We played our drums loudly, softly and lifted them high and low. 
New vocabulary, new movements, lots of fun and learning. 

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Maths, music and feathers!

This week-
Maths, music and feathers!

We played many board games today including memory practice and  matching opposites games. We took turns, and worked as part of a group and cooperated with each other. We had fun counting the cupcakes and counted to 33. 
In a musical activity, we played various versions of 'musical bumps'. These games were child led. The children listened to lively music and when it stopped, they practiced standing or balancing on  one leg, or 'freezing' like statues on the spot. Later we jumped and wiggled about with long feathers in our hands and to the sound of the music we did actions such as waving  them in the air, touching the ground or having giggles tickling each other playfully,etc.  The music was varied with loud drums, guitar solo's or singing voices. Lots of fun.

Later....We had a fun group time. We counted from 1-20 a few times and recited the days of the week. We counted how many days in the week. We looked at numbers and the date today.  The children enjoyed counting objects and some knew which number came next in the activity.
Repetition is how children learn. I get them to repeat what they have have heard to assess their learning.

Friday 15 May 2015

A snap-shot of the young learners this week.

Name that spice!

In group time, I showed the children a selection of spices and herbs from the chef's kitchen. We took turns to smell some spices and spoke about what foods we can use different spices in. We agreed that cinnamon and pancakes are yummy.  We took turns smelling, tasting and just examining spices and herbs such as a bay leaf, fenugreek, coriander, cloves, and lemongrass. Some children have been on exotic travels such as to Thailand,  The Bahamas and India. We were reminded that one of our very special friends (and teacher) was travelling in Malaysia and The Maldives and returning later this month.  Having conversations about interesting food meant that the children became aware of our diverse community. All children felt valued and important.
Next steps: World map and finding a sense of distance between us and the rest of the world.

'I want to be a teacher!!'
A child was engaged in play in the home corner. She was inspired to be a 'teacher' after we had fun in group time, with children taking turns to 'be the teacher'. I joined the group of children at the back of the class and said I was one of them. I told them I was 5 years old,  just like them.. They found this amusing but liked the idea. We found clip-boards and began 'writing work and registers'. Children excitedly busied themselves reading stories to each other and writing on the chalk board and also working on the computer. One of them said to me,
'I am Miss Esther and I want to be kind like her'.
Out of the mouth of babes! Kind words.

Cars and tunnels.

Another child was engaged in a lovely game building a 'tunnel' out of the large foam bricks. He then tried posting cars through the openings. The cars traveled some distance before they hit the ground. He was excited about this. He tried it over and over and also found other ways of making the cars travel, like on a ramp and on the black tray. These children enjoy imaginative play.
 Vet with Pirates hat....

One child had fun dressing up as a vet, in an outfit (nurse) and with a pirates hat on. He said, 'hey, Esther, do you want to come to my vets? ' I said, 'yes, thank you, I like your hat' He replied, 'yes, its a vet's hat.. a new one' and smiled. He played with other children, taking turns, sharing and having lots of laughter together.


We did leaf rubbing today. The conversation was about going into the wood, observing the trees, looking at the leaves on the trees, and changes in seasons. We discussed the shapes, sizes and colours of different leaves. The children noticed that the leaf rubbing worked better if we used the rough side of the leaf instead of the shiny side. They enjoyed the patterns that came out and many of them coloured around the leaves and made geometric  pictures to take home.

Saturday 9 May 2015

Guitar, music sticks, shakers and percussion drums..lots of learning and fun.

We all gathered around to enjoy the music session today. We sang familiar songs such as ‘If you're happy and you know it’ and ‘Sleeping bunnies’ etc. The children had a treat. There was a selection of kiddie friendly music instruments, all beautifully displayed and accessible. For each individual song and activity, each child was able to choose either a couple of music sticks, colourful shakers or a set of drums as they went 'on a journey ‘with the music session. We listened, followed instructions, took turns and cooperated with others' during the session. Another fun day with our friends. 

Listening to this talented guitarist made me want to learn to play a musical instrument again. As a child I learnt to play the piano and had a missed opportunity to re-learn when my daughter took lessons. Not a good idea to think 'I will do it later.....another day'. Life if too busy now to take on another skill although I am seriously considering...

Children's play ranges from makeshift hideouts to hospital rooms...

In another activity this week I followed the interests and needs of the children and we made dens out of big sheets and an old bedspread that I brought in from home. The children loved exploring the dark spaces and we introduced small torches to extend the learning with shadows, light and silhouettes

During play, one of the children accidentally broke the leg of one of the large horses that I had added to resources. This led play to the den becoming an emergency hospital. We got bandages out and made a splint for the horses leg and some children made food out of recycled 'orange nets' and play dough.

The children lead where the play will go. I scaffold their learning by being around to support language and make sure the room does not become too loud and unruly. When I left early, and someone else took over, I had some children run up to me saying, 'I love you, Esther, please don't go home..' 
I love my job..... 

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Drawing vertical lines, retracing and forming recognisable letters.

The children joined an ongoing activity today as we drew around stencils using pencils and felt-tip pens. We drew patterns and the children practiced drawing vertical lines and retracing their steps as they went along. We enjoyed watching what our friends were doing and making comparisons and finding similarities.
Learning- Mathematics- making comparisons 

Later, I introduced water colour paints to all the children. Each child was given a copy of their own name.  Children chose their colours and went about painting the letters in their names as they sounded out the letters phonetically.  We displayed all their work on a board, ready to show parents at pick- up time later.
Learning- Physical- forming recognisable letters

Saturday 2 May 2015

A fun and busy week with lots of learning...

Exploring clay:
We explored air drying clay this week. The children used letter stamps to stamp out the letters of their names, and couldn’t wait to share their works of art with parents. Some took them home to show wider families what they have achieved.Links to the EYFS - EYFS
Expressive arts- •Selects tools and techniques needed to shape, assemble and join materials they are using.
Assessing risks: S. a. f .e. t. y.

I shared the 'risk assessment' idea with the children. We spoke about how we can keep safe. A while back the children and I decided on 4 items to put on our list that we check for. We do regular 'safety checks'. The children continued the talk about 'safety' in the garden when we went out. One of them came to me and handed me a sharp stick, saying, 'this is not safe'. I am so pleased our children are beginning to understand about safety!

•Links to the EYFS - EYFS
Shows understanding of the need for safety when tackling new challenges, and considers and manages some risks.
Paints and corn flour

On another day we got messy with mixing paints. Many children squealed with joy at the sensation of squishing paint through their fingers, and ‘squelching’ it around the paper plates and other surfaces.  We added lots of colours as well corn flour to add texture and make it a colourful and fun sensory activity.

Patterns : geometric s, abstracts, symmetry and repetition-

On Friday afternoon, I had a small group of children all to myself. We experimented with patterns in our environment by rubbing wax crayons over a sheet of paper onto common items such as baskets, radiator  covers, ridges and scales along the large dinosaurs, the wooden floor, the glass windows, and rough carpet areas. Many patterns emerged as the children ran around exploring and sharing  with each other what they had done. Another fun activity spanning over many areas of learning and development.

Links to the EYFS - EYFS
Mathematics- Shape and measure-  Shows interest in shapes in the environment
Draw the curtains, lets enter a world of story- telling..

At the end of the day, I promised the children that I would ‘tell scary stories’. We settled down, drew the curtains, and turned the lights off. The children got excited as I entered the room with a  glittery black scarf covering my head and shoulders and cackled like a witch!. My voice transformed, I began to tell the story as we huddled together on the carpet to enjoy : ‘Hansel and Gretel’, (with a twist on it).

Moments like these are for me truly fulfilling.

Links to the EYFS EYFS
Listening and attention- Recall skills