Saturday 9 May 2015

Guitar, music sticks, shakers and percussion drums..lots of learning and fun.

We all gathered around to enjoy the music session today. We sang familiar songs such as ‘If you're happy and you know it’ and ‘Sleeping bunnies’ etc. The children had a treat. There was a selection of kiddie friendly music instruments, all beautifully displayed and accessible. For each individual song and activity, each child was able to choose either a couple of music sticks, colourful shakers or a set of drums as they went 'on a journey ‘with the music session. We listened, followed instructions, took turns and cooperated with others' during the session. Another fun day with our friends. 

Listening to this talented guitarist made me want to learn to play a musical instrument again. As a child I learnt to play the piano and had a missed opportunity to re-learn when my daughter took lessons. Not a good idea to think 'I will do it later.....another day'. Life if too busy now to take on another skill although I am seriously considering...

Children's play ranges from makeshift hideouts to hospital rooms...

In another activity this week I followed the interests and needs of the children and we made dens out of big sheets and an old bedspread that I brought in from home. The children loved exploring the dark spaces and we introduced small torches to extend the learning with shadows, light and silhouettes

During play, one of the children accidentally broke the leg of one of the large horses that I had added to resources. This led play to the den becoming an emergency hospital. We got bandages out and made a splint for the horses leg and some children made food out of recycled 'orange nets' and play dough.

The children lead where the play will go. I scaffold their learning by being around to support language and make sure the room does not become too loud and unruly. When I left early, and someone else took over, I had some children run up to me saying, 'I love you, Esther, please don't go home..' 
I love my job..... 

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